Avaleht ➨ Produktai Quantec display interface (for use with QT608CD1S) Kategorija: C-Tec Gaminio kodas: QT615S Gamintojas: C-TEC Failai: Datasheet 160.61 € The prices on the product card include VAT. Kiekis: - + Paprašyti papildomos informacijos Tinkami gaminiai Panašūs gaminiai Vardas Kaina Kiekis Quantec Accessible Toilet Alarm Kit c/w QT607, QT606S, QT605S & NC949 Gaminio kodas: QT951 169.19 € Quantec addressable overdoor light c/w sounder Gaminio kodas: QT606A 87.29 € Quantec call point, button reset Gaminio kodas: QT602 73.09 € Quantec call point, button reset Gaminio kodas: QT605S 62.21 € Quantec call point, button reset Gaminio kodas: QT609 72.07 € Quantec configurator c/w lead & software (Windows) for use with programmable devices Gaminio kodas: QT423 253.00 € Quantec controller, one required per system, Max. 2 x 7Ah batteries Gaminio kodas: QT601-2 650.65 € Quantec corridor display, with controls Gaminio kodas: QT608C 326.71 € Quantec Euro call point, button reset (icon label) Gaminio kodas: QT602E 80.04 € Quantec large corridor display (965x163x68mm), needs QT615S interface Gaminio kodas: QT608CD1S 2235.40 € Quantec network splitter Gaminio kodas: QT603 44.84 € Quantec slave ceiling pull unit Gaminio kodas: QT607 32.03 € Quantec slave overdoor light Gaminio kodas: QT606 38.35 € Quantec upload/download programming software (Windows), includes SAF7070000 lead Gaminio kodas: QT707 175.42 € Surveyor Data Management Software c/w wall socket & lead (Windows) Gaminio kodas: QT707S 657.79 € Vardas Kaina Kiekis 1 gang 32mm single PVC box Gaminio kodas: 787-1225 5.99 € 1 Way helt care wireless button Gaminio kodas: C-02ND 753.23 € 1 Way helt care wireless button Gaminio kodas: C-03ND 1045.30 € 1 Way helt care wireless button Gaminio kodas: TL-03W 198.30 € 1 Way helt care wireless button Gaminio kodas: TL-03WT 201.37 € 1 Way helt care wireless button with extansion Gaminio kodas: PR-L00 95.31 € 1.8m (6ft) tail call lead Gaminio kodas: NC805C6 23.01 € 10 Zone Expansion Unit for NC910S or NC920S Gaminio kodas: NC910ES 318.94 € 10 Zone Master Call Controller, surface, c/w 12V 300mA PSU, relay, reset & mute/accept buttons Gaminio kodas: NC910S 390.94 € 100m x 1.0mm2 single core white loop cable Gaminio kodas: PL1/K1 444.99 € 2 gang 32mm double PVC box Gaminio kodas: 787-1222 12.19 € 20 Zone Expansion Unit for NC910S or NC920S Gaminio kodas: NC920ES 380.66 € 20 Zone Master Call Controller, surface, c/w 12V 300mA PSU, relay, reset & mute/accept buttons Gaminio kodas: NC920S 524.70 € Accessible toilet alarm kit to BS8300 c/w standby battery, relay & call accept facility (Includes NC943B call controller, NC807C ceiling pull, NC806CS overdoor light & sounder, NC809DBBT reset point & sounder, NC949 Accessible WC sticker) Gaminio kodas: NC951 162.10 € Button reset point Gaminio kodas: NC809DB 20.12 € C-B Kutsenupp BUS süvis antibakteriaalne pind Schima Gaminio kodas: 4010000 64.05 € Call and report managment software with PC all in one Gaminio kodas: MT-00W 2459.52 € Call button Gaminio kodas: 4110000 47.40 € Call button with Socket RJ45 BUS Gaminio kodas: 4010010 66.61 € Call-cancel module m2 relay outputs 24VDC/40mA Gaminio kodas: 7111000 120.93 € Ceiling pull unit, no on-board reset, no remote socket Gaminio kodas: NC807C 35.23 € CR Kutse-ja tagastusnupp süvis antibakteriaalne pind Schima Gaminio kodas: 4111000 47.40 € CRD-B Kutse-, tagastus- ja arstinupp RJ45 pesa BUS süvis antibakteriaalne pind Schima Gaminio kodas: 4011110 66.61 € CRS Kutse- ja tagastusnupp RJ45 pesa süvis antibakteriaalne pind Schima Gaminio kodas: 4111010 54.31 € CRS-B Kutse-ja tagastusnupp RJ45 pesa BUS süvis antibakteriaalne pind Schima Gaminio kodas: 4011010 66.61 € CS Kutsenupp RJ45 pesa süvis antibakteriaalne pind Schima Gaminio kodas: 4110010 54.31 € D-B Arsti kutsenupp BUS süvis antibakteriaalne pind Schima Gaminio kodas: 4000100 64.05 € Healt care pager receiver white color Gaminio kodas: BLP-01W 317.90 € Hoidik juhtmega kutsenupule 6100000 Schima Gaminio kodas: 6000002 16.91 € Interface BUS/IP Alech Gaminio kodas: BP-01 353.56 € Kutse-tagastus kutsesead BUS, LED indikatsioon IP65 antibakteriaalne pind Alech Gaminio kodas: TS-01 146.03 € Kutsetenupp juhtmega 2 m RJ45 pistik antibakteriaalne pind Schima Gaminio kodas: 6100000 61.49 € LEDS-2WRG Estonia language version SISENEGE-OODAKE Gaminio kodas: LEDS-2WRG-EE 807.10 € Mini-Terminal - Numerator 3 zones Gaminio kodas: 957401 271.57 € Moodul kutse-, tagastus- ja arsti nupuga 2 releed süvis antibakteriaalne pind Schima Gaminio kodas: 7111100 120.93 € Nööriga kutse-tagastus kutsesead BUS, LED indikatsioon IP65 antibakteriaalne pind Alech Gaminio kodas: TB-01 169.09 € Out door wireless led alarm Gaminio kodas: LT-01W 196.76 € Out door wireless led alarm Gaminio kodas: LT-01 196.76 € Out door wireless led alarm Gaminio kodas: LT-01-ND 292.07 € Overdoor light & sounder Gaminio kodas: NC806CS 55.31 € PC-B Kustenupp nööriga 2 m BUS süvis antibakteriaalne pind Schima Gaminio kodas: 4050000 64.05 € PCR Kutsetagastus-kustenupp nööriga 2 m süvis antibakteriaalne pind Schima Gaminio kodas: 4151000 51.24 € PCR-B Kuste- ja tagastusnupp nööriga 2 m BUS süvis antibakteriaalne pind Schima Gaminio kodas: 4051000 59.18 € PS-LDS-RG Switch PSU Estonian language version SISENEGE-OODAKE Gaminio kodas: PS-LEDS-RG 790.13 € Pull Cord 2m red call button 24VDC/20mA Gaminio kodas: 4150000 49.96 € Quantec Accessible Toilet Alarm Kit c/w QT607, QT606S, QT605S & NC949 Gaminio kodas: QT951 169.19 € Quantec addressable overdoor light c/w sounder Gaminio kodas: QT606A 87.29 € Quantec call point, button reset Gaminio kodas: QT602 73.09 € Quantec call point, button reset Gaminio kodas: QT605S 62.21 € Quantec call point, button reset Gaminio kodas: QT609 72.07 € Quantec configurator c/w lead & software (Windows) for use with programmable devices Gaminio kodas: QT423 253.00 € Quantec controller, one required per system, Max. 2 x 7Ah batteries Gaminio kodas: QT601-2 650.65 € Quantec corridor display, with controls Gaminio kodas: QT608C 326.71 € Quantec Euro call point, button reset (icon label) Gaminio kodas: QT602E 80.04 € Quantec large corridor display (965x163x68mm), needs QT615S interface Gaminio kodas: QT608CD1S 2235.40 € Quantec network splitter Gaminio kodas: QT603 44.84 € Quantec slave ceiling pull unit Gaminio kodas: QT607 32.03 € Quantec slave overdoor light Gaminio kodas: QT606 38.35 € Quantec upload/download programming software (Windows), includes SAF7070000 lead Gaminio kodas: QT707 175.42 € R-B Tagastusnupp BUS süvis antibakteriaalne pind Schima Gaminio kodas: 4001000 64.05 € RD-B Tagastus- ja arstinupp BUS süvis antibakteriaalne pind Schima Gaminio kodas: 4001100 64.05 € Reset Button 24VDC/20mA Gaminio kodas: 4101000 47.40 € Room Lamp 4 colors buzzer 24VDC/150mA Gaminio kodas: 1211110 66.61 € Room occupancy signaling set Hõivatud/ Vaba Gaminio kodas: 957305EE 397.72 € Ruumi kutse-tagastus-arsti kutsesead BUS, LED indikatsioon antibakteriaalne pind Alech Gaminio kodas: C-01ND 336.65 € Signal repeater Gaminio kodas: ALP-600 405.82 € Standard call point, button reset, with remote socket Gaminio kodas: NC802DB 45.23 € Surveyor Data Management Software c/w wall socket & lead (Windows) Gaminio kodas: QT707S 657.79 € Terminal - Numerator 8 zones 24VDC/200mA Gaminio kodas: 957400 420.17 € TN-D Terminal NODE 3,5" LCD kutse, tagastus nupud antibakeriaalne pind Schima Gaminio kodas: 3210100 465.00 € Toiteplokk 5-8 VDC/10A Alech Gaminio kodas: AL-58 169.09 € Wall mounting adaptation for Terminal Gaminio kodas: 6000001 20.50 € WC-set (call-cancel module, pull button, room lamp, power supply flush mounted) Gaminio kodas: 7252100 242.88 € Wrist transmitter with call and reset function Gaminio kodas: CL01-BA 73.79 € Uždaryti Tunned huvi? 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